Financing Your Education

Let Us Help You Find A Path

Student Loans

BC Student Loans Program

Eligibility: Available to Canadian citizens or permanent residents attending accredited institutions.
Features: Offers loans that are interest-free while you are a full-time student. Assessments for both federal and provincial funding can be done through one application.

Canada Student Grants Program

For students from low- and middle-income families, students with permanent disabilities, and students with dependents. Grants do not need to be repaid and are a great way to reduce the total loan amount required.

Promotional Scholarships

At Edison College, we know that paying for education is very difficult for the student and their families; for that, we offer several scholarships for our programs.

Co-op Programs

Combine academic study with practical, paid work experience in your field of study.
Enhance your resume and earn money to support your education.

Student Lines of Credit

Offered by many banks and credit unions.

Can be a viable option for students who may not qualify for enough government loans or need additional funds.

External Funding Sources

Numerous external organizations offer scholarships and bursaries. Some organizations include WorkBC, ISS of BC, and other community support organizations.

Research local businesses, community groups, and non-profit organizations in your field of interest.

Payment Plans

Our admissions office provides resources on managing your budget effectively. We will also provide you with the option of payment plans, which will spread the payment of your tuition into equal monthly installments across the duration of your program.

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Get Started Today

Embarking on your educational journey in British Columbia should be an exciting experience, not a stressful one. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process of financing your education.

Take the first step towards an exciting and fulfilling career with Edison College